June 2024 | By Analise Marcel & Lorna Valcin

Dr. Loojimps “James” Marcius is a native of Cap-Haitien, Haiti. He holds a PH.D. in Leadership and Organizational Growth. He also holds a BS in Electronics Engineering, an MBA, and a master's in Information Technology. He is also the founder of Level X Growth, a Business and Personal Growth coaching company that focuses on preparing the next generation of Business and Family leaders through impactful Leadership, Business Growth, and Personal Development Training.
Dr. Loojimps (aka Coach James) is the creator of several business coaching, leadership development, and personal growth programs. Loojimps is best known for his professionalism, humor, enthusiasm, and ability to captivate audiences of all types in French, English, and Creole. This year, he will be hosting the 2nd annual Level X Summit on June 21 & 22 at the Atlanta Marriot NE. As a leadership & life coach, Dr. Loojimps shares some valuable professional insights with Lakol Magazine.
Lakol: Is there a difference between coaching and mentoring because they seem to be used interchangeably?
Dr. Loojimps: I think there is a slight difference. Mentoring is more about giving you the tools and guidance. Coaching expects the individual to achieve specific short-term goals towards success. There is more autonomy and accountability with coaching. The entrepreneur is free to decide whether to apply or not. I'm looking forward to and expecting to see the results at the coaching center. I'm keeping closer accountability and more systematically when coaching. The mindset should be this: I was hired to get specific results and need to solve very specific problems for an ideal outcome.
Lakol: How do you coach someone who is a difficult or bad attitude?
Dr.Loojimps: Mindset plays a huge role with performance and success. How you think, feel, and interpret what's happening goes into the mind. Circumstances rarely stop goals. However, the interpretation and actions taken greatly impact the future. A promotion is not given to the smartest or most brilliant person in the world.
Promotions are given to those who are not only great performers, but get along well with others, especially the boss. We have specific modules and it's part of our routine. We emphasize every day the need to be in the right mindset. Challenges will come and being mentally prepared is half the battle won. Running a successful business is difficult. Part of our ongoing process of training entrepreneurs is keeping the right mindset.
Dr. Loojimps (aka Coach James) is the creator of several business coaching, leadership development, and personal growth programs. Loojimps is best known for his professionalism, humor, enthusiasm, and ability to captivate audiences of all types in French, English, and Creole. This year, he will be hosting the 2nd annual Level X Summit on June 21 & 22 at the Atlanta Marriot NE. As a leadership & life coach, Dr. Loojimps shares some valuable professional insights with Lakol Magazine.
Lakol: Is there a difference between coaching and mentoring because they seem to be used interchangeably?
Dr. Loojimps: I think there is a slight difference. Mentoring is more about giving you the tools and guidance. Coaching expects the individual to achieve specific short-term goals towards success. There is more autonomy and accountability with coaching. The entrepreneur is free to decide whether to apply or not. I'm looking forward to and expecting to see the results at the coaching center. I'm keeping closer accountability and more systematically when coaching. The mindset should be this: I was hired to get specific results and need to solve very specific problems for an ideal outcome.
Lakol: How do you coach someone who is a difficult or bad attitude?
Dr.Loojimps: Mindset plays a huge role with performance and success. How you think, feel, and interpret what's happening goes into the mind. Circumstances rarely stop goals. However, the interpretation and actions taken greatly impact the future. A promotion is not given to the smartest or most brilliant person in the world.
Promotions are given to those who are not only great performers, but get along well with others, especially the boss. We have specific modules and it's part of our routine. We emphasize every day the need to be in the right mindset. Challenges will come and being mentally prepared is half the battle won. Running a successful business is difficult. Part of our ongoing process of training entrepreneurs is keeping the right mindset.
Lakol: What obstacles should every business anticipate?
Dr. Loojimps: Expect it to be tough. Expect it to take much longer than expected and harder than you thought. It’s less glamorous than expected. Yes, owning a business is an amazing idea, but putting in the work should be expected for it to be successful. You may think, I have full control of my time, schedule and nobody tells you what to do. Life is good! Freedom! However, instead of working 8 hours, it’s 12 hours. Then, ten thousand customers control your time. You're thinking within a year will make $1,000,000, but 5-6 years still have not reached that goal. Perhaps you think I don't need to do much. I'm good as a physician, lawyer or other professional. However, those skills do not apply to running a successful business. It can be lonely at the top while getting established. I'm saying, come in with this spirit of open mindedness and be willing to learn, adjust and prepare to be challenged. Believe in yourself and be patient.
Lakol: Coaches often use is the term higher performance. What is that? How is it achieved?
Dr. Loojimps: When we talk about high performance, it’s an entire level experience. The keyword higher means looking for the next level. A higher level of performance requires a higher level of ambition and awareness and results. Many people cannot perform higher because they are unaware that they are not performing well. A good example is marriage. If you're not doing well, but in your mind, you think you're good. So, you can't perform well because you are unaware.
Business is competitive. Therefore, a higher level of skills is required for better performance as well. Lastly, is a high level of alignment. Sometimes we simply do not know what we need or are struggling. We have a few of the skills needed, but those skills need developing. The actions that we take every day may be hindering us from achieving that higher level. Action must be in alignment with our goal.
Higher performance is the concentration or the piling up of everyday single steps. Our actions need to be intentional every day. The compounding effect of smaller steps helps in reaching the higher level. Hold yourself accountable for your actions. Courage, discipline, desire, resilience, alignment, and curiosity are all traits of a higher performer.

s aLakol: Can a higher performance of employees be achieved without the use of incentives, rewards, or recognition?
Dr. Loojimps: I do believe rewards are a huge part of higher level of performance. It's not only financial rewards. Some are for the sake of accomplishing. The reason why someone desires to go higher or wants to do more is individualized.
Accomplishments should be celebrated in some form or fashion. Different people will be motivated by different things; recognition is important to them. Rewards vary from bonuses, higher income, and promotions. Others want to be part of a particular club that makes them feel good. I believe for each step achieved there must be some kind sort of celebration. The brain just wants that feeling of completion recognized. That's why they give a trophy at the end of a of a tournament, right? The trophy itself may not be worth much money. However, raising that trophy and being acknowledged as a champion has a huge psychological impact. So, when we talk about high performance, it must be clear of what we're trying to achieve. It needs to be attainable and a realistic goal as well.
Lakol: How do you coach someone when money is no longer the motivator?
I have this model of what someone truly wants at the end of the day. There are four factors in the quest for a fulfilled life. First, we want to feel good and be in a good head space. Wake up in the mornings feeling great. The moment you don't feel good, nothing else matters anymore. There are wealthy people that don't feel good about themselves. There are retired people that still want to play golf, part of charity and contribute to society in many other forms.
The second factor is meaningful connections, relationships, good friends, and deep communion with others. Nobody likes to be alone and surrounded by loneliness.
The third thing is to have a meaningful pursuit of something, anything. Human beings have a strong sense to pursue something.
Lastly, is seeing progress. In cases where money is not an issue, people will find activities or hobbies, which motivate them. Perhaps, they join a board. There is not any monetary compensation. However, the connections fill a void and bring great joy. This is the case for me as well. They want to continue making a huge difference in the world. Therefore, money is no longer an issue or a motivator. However, having a meaningful impact, continue achieving and leave a legacy replaced the monetary. They want to see the community and corporations become better. Once beyond the basic needs of having the money to pay bills and become financially stable, these four things become the primary drivers. Inspiration comes in different forms. I know a couple of people I work with which have no financial need for this, but they want to make such an amazing impact.
The pursuit of happiness by making an impact and feeling that you are useful in society is quite rewarding. Contributing to human beings from a deeper level, being part of an elite group or class, all those things are very powerful motivators.
Lakol: How important are soft skills in running a business?
Dr. Loojimps: My first assessment is an evaluation of the business. This includes three areas. I evaluate the business idea itself, to know whether it's an idea that can be profitable. The second characteristic I evaluate is whether that person’s attributes include a good mindset and good people skills. I evaluate their typical mood and good mental space. Is this someone who is optimistic or a bit curious? Are they able to mess up a couple of times and get back up and try because again? These are the type of things that I inquire to build a successful business. Soft skills are amazing and critical. I have witnessed businesses with talented professionals. However, the business went under because they lacked soft skills or ability to deal with people and patience. Indeed, soft skills are crucial for a successful business.
Lakol: How important is record keeping?
Dr. Loojimps: Record keeping is important for many reasons. The IRS needs to see records. A business can have many problems and trouble from the IRS if those records are not produced when requested by them. The second reason is compliance if a lawsuit ensues. If someone has complaints related to compliance or employees, record keeping can prove advantageous for the business. Record keeping and details serve multiple purposes for a business.
Lakol: How important is it to attract new clients with promotions?
Dr. Loojimps: A business that is not able to attract new clients automatically and daily will not survive. Most businesses, which do not thrive, are because they do not have enough demand. To be an amazing business, a Level X business, is the ability to attract potential customers into the vicinity almost effortlessly and automatically. Having more people coming keeps the business steady and good. If the flow of people stops, then there is nobody for sales. That’s why we monitor the “pipelines.” This means making sure there is always a long list of customers waiting for service. It is amazing, as a business owner, to know there is always a long list of people waiting for service. That's an ideal position for supply and demand.
The true indicator for a healthy business is how many new people are attracted to your environment. This is smart because the truth isn't 1000 people heard and exposed to it will buy. However, estimating every 10% will probably buy this service. If you can control how many people are listening and seeing you on a weekly or daily basis then, you can effectively transform the number of people buying from the business.
Lakol: Can a successful business be run without social media today? If so, what are some of the other resources?
Dr. Loojimps: Yes and no. There may be few businesses that could properly operate without a social media presence. They would have to be unique and confined to a specific niche. Social media is extremely important, but to me the key question is not whether they browse social media or not. The key question is, “are your customers active with social media?” If your base is not scrolling social media then, marketing on those sites doesn't amount to anything. For example, if I want to build a business for people 65 and older, they are probably not on social media much. Perhaps they are living in nursing homes or assisted living residence. An online presence would probably not attract them and should not be the number one means of marketing. A successful business is aspired to become amazing. It's almost impossible not to have an online presence. Even a local business does better with social media.
Let's say you have a hair salon in Atlanta, and someone is flying in from New York. It would be nice for them to browse the site via social media before arriving. I would think having an online presence would be critical these days unless it can be justified for a unique base.
Lakol: How does a business measure progress?
Dr. Loojimps: The business would need to have KPI, which stands for key performance indicators. It's like a dashboard. Check it weekly and monthly basis to evaluate performance. It will indicate whether the business is moving in the right direction or moves at all. The numbers alone do not tell the entire story, but activators as well. So, I'm measuring the activators/methods, which create those results. That's business right?! Never know what's going to work, trial and error. We assess marketing, apps, and imports to improve our business. Measuring financial numbers, key performance indicators, measure information inputs, and processes. Measure everything to make them excellent which results in a high performer.
Lakol: At what point should an entrepreneur hire assistants or employees to help grow the business?
Dr. Loojimps: I tell all my business owners and all my coaching clients the first priority for business is not for you to get a paycheck, the very first assignment in business is to make enough money to get assistance or employees. There are so many tasks that need to be done, but you should be the person doing them as a business owner. For example, you should not be the person calling your clients to remind them of an appointment. You should not be the one to mail letters or signature for a package. If services cost $200.00 an hour you should not be spending time doing tasks that are better served by an employee for $10.00 an hour. The first step is to ensure that you have adequate help. Hire someone to take care of the smaller tasks, cheaper tasks and mundane. Delegating these types of tasks will benefit the business in the long run.
Lakol: When should a business close its doors?
Dr. Loojimps: I think the numbers will tell you the story. Success should not reflect that expenses are more than income. Look at your trends for the last three to four years. A flat line reveals that your income standard of living or expectation is not met. Create a different plan and reevaluate. Trends are a true indicator of progress. If you have tried everything and things continue to get worse then, it would be wise to cut your losses.
Dr Loojimps is also the owner and CEO of Fiducia Financial Group, an Atlanta, GA-based financial planning firm catering to young professionals, business owners, and families alike in more than four different states. When he is not traveling, serving his clients, or working in his community, he enjoys spending time with his wife Naomie, his three sons (Jimpsly, Darnell, and Jaiden), and the rest of his extended family. As a born-again Christian, he enjoys listening to classical music, doing community work, reading, and writing.
Dr. Loojimps is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs & a treasured member of the Georgia Haitian American Chamber of Commerce. For more information about Level X monthly coaching sessions or to book Dr. Loojimps to speak @ your event, please email [email protected] or call 678 548-9664.
Level X Summit 2024 will transform your life. If you're looking to "BREAKOUT" or a "BREAKTHROUGH" in your professional or personal life, register today at www.levelxsummit.com. Invite a family member, friend, or loved one to attend the Level X Summit. We've learned that "Success does not occur in a vacuum, it is interactive!
Dr. Loojimps: I do believe rewards are a huge part of higher level of performance. It's not only financial rewards. Some are for the sake of accomplishing. The reason why someone desires to go higher or wants to do more is individualized.
Accomplishments should be celebrated in some form or fashion. Different people will be motivated by different things; recognition is important to them. Rewards vary from bonuses, higher income, and promotions. Others want to be part of a particular club that makes them feel good. I believe for each step achieved there must be some kind sort of celebration. The brain just wants that feeling of completion recognized. That's why they give a trophy at the end of a of a tournament, right? The trophy itself may not be worth much money. However, raising that trophy and being acknowledged as a champion has a huge psychological impact. So, when we talk about high performance, it must be clear of what we're trying to achieve. It needs to be attainable and a realistic goal as well.
Lakol: How do you coach someone when money is no longer the motivator?
I have this model of what someone truly wants at the end of the day. There are four factors in the quest for a fulfilled life. First, we want to feel good and be in a good head space. Wake up in the mornings feeling great. The moment you don't feel good, nothing else matters anymore. There are wealthy people that don't feel good about themselves. There are retired people that still want to play golf, part of charity and contribute to society in many other forms.
The second factor is meaningful connections, relationships, good friends, and deep communion with others. Nobody likes to be alone and surrounded by loneliness.
The third thing is to have a meaningful pursuit of something, anything. Human beings have a strong sense to pursue something.
Lastly, is seeing progress. In cases where money is not an issue, people will find activities or hobbies, which motivate them. Perhaps, they join a board. There is not any monetary compensation. However, the connections fill a void and bring great joy. This is the case for me as well. They want to continue making a huge difference in the world. Therefore, money is no longer an issue or a motivator. However, having a meaningful impact, continue achieving and leave a legacy replaced the monetary. They want to see the community and corporations become better. Once beyond the basic needs of having the money to pay bills and become financially stable, these four things become the primary drivers. Inspiration comes in different forms. I know a couple of people I work with which have no financial need for this, but they want to make such an amazing impact.
The pursuit of happiness by making an impact and feeling that you are useful in society is quite rewarding. Contributing to human beings from a deeper level, being part of an elite group or class, all those things are very powerful motivators.
Lakol: How important are soft skills in running a business?
Dr. Loojimps: My first assessment is an evaluation of the business. This includes three areas. I evaluate the business idea itself, to know whether it's an idea that can be profitable. The second characteristic I evaluate is whether that person’s attributes include a good mindset and good people skills. I evaluate their typical mood and good mental space. Is this someone who is optimistic or a bit curious? Are they able to mess up a couple of times and get back up and try because again? These are the type of things that I inquire to build a successful business. Soft skills are amazing and critical. I have witnessed businesses with talented professionals. However, the business went under because they lacked soft skills or ability to deal with people and patience. Indeed, soft skills are crucial for a successful business.
Lakol: How important is record keeping?
Dr. Loojimps: Record keeping is important for many reasons. The IRS needs to see records. A business can have many problems and trouble from the IRS if those records are not produced when requested by them. The second reason is compliance if a lawsuit ensues. If someone has complaints related to compliance or employees, record keeping can prove advantageous for the business. Record keeping and details serve multiple purposes for a business.
Lakol: How important is it to attract new clients with promotions?
Dr. Loojimps: A business that is not able to attract new clients automatically and daily will not survive. Most businesses, which do not thrive, are because they do not have enough demand. To be an amazing business, a Level X business, is the ability to attract potential customers into the vicinity almost effortlessly and automatically. Having more people coming keeps the business steady and good. If the flow of people stops, then there is nobody for sales. That’s why we monitor the “pipelines.” This means making sure there is always a long list of customers waiting for service. It is amazing, as a business owner, to know there is always a long list of people waiting for service. That's an ideal position for supply and demand.
The true indicator for a healthy business is how many new people are attracted to your environment. This is smart because the truth isn't 1000 people heard and exposed to it will buy. However, estimating every 10% will probably buy this service. If you can control how many people are listening and seeing you on a weekly or daily basis then, you can effectively transform the number of people buying from the business.
Lakol: Can a successful business be run without social media today? If so, what are some of the other resources?
Dr. Loojimps: Yes and no. There may be few businesses that could properly operate without a social media presence. They would have to be unique and confined to a specific niche. Social media is extremely important, but to me the key question is not whether they browse social media or not. The key question is, “are your customers active with social media?” If your base is not scrolling social media then, marketing on those sites doesn't amount to anything. For example, if I want to build a business for people 65 and older, they are probably not on social media much. Perhaps they are living in nursing homes or assisted living residence. An online presence would probably not attract them and should not be the number one means of marketing. A successful business is aspired to become amazing. It's almost impossible not to have an online presence. Even a local business does better with social media.
Let's say you have a hair salon in Atlanta, and someone is flying in from New York. It would be nice for them to browse the site via social media before arriving. I would think having an online presence would be critical these days unless it can be justified for a unique base.
Lakol: How does a business measure progress?
Dr. Loojimps: The business would need to have KPI, which stands for key performance indicators. It's like a dashboard. Check it weekly and monthly basis to evaluate performance. It will indicate whether the business is moving in the right direction or moves at all. The numbers alone do not tell the entire story, but activators as well. So, I'm measuring the activators/methods, which create those results. That's business right?! Never know what's going to work, trial and error. We assess marketing, apps, and imports to improve our business. Measuring financial numbers, key performance indicators, measure information inputs, and processes. Measure everything to make them excellent which results in a high performer.
Lakol: At what point should an entrepreneur hire assistants or employees to help grow the business?
Dr. Loojimps: I tell all my business owners and all my coaching clients the first priority for business is not for you to get a paycheck, the very first assignment in business is to make enough money to get assistance or employees. There are so many tasks that need to be done, but you should be the person doing them as a business owner. For example, you should not be the person calling your clients to remind them of an appointment. You should not be the one to mail letters or signature for a package. If services cost $200.00 an hour you should not be spending time doing tasks that are better served by an employee for $10.00 an hour. The first step is to ensure that you have adequate help. Hire someone to take care of the smaller tasks, cheaper tasks and mundane. Delegating these types of tasks will benefit the business in the long run.
Lakol: When should a business close its doors?
Dr. Loojimps: I think the numbers will tell you the story. Success should not reflect that expenses are more than income. Look at your trends for the last three to four years. A flat line reveals that your income standard of living or expectation is not met. Create a different plan and reevaluate. Trends are a true indicator of progress. If you have tried everything and things continue to get worse then, it would be wise to cut your losses.
Dr Loojimps is also the owner and CEO of Fiducia Financial Group, an Atlanta, GA-based financial planning firm catering to young professionals, business owners, and families alike in more than four different states. When he is not traveling, serving his clients, or working in his community, he enjoys spending time with his wife Naomie, his three sons (Jimpsly, Darnell, and Jaiden), and the rest of his extended family. As a born-again Christian, he enjoys listening to classical music, doing community work, reading, and writing.
Dr. Loojimps is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs & a treasured member of the Georgia Haitian American Chamber of Commerce. For more information about Level X monthly coaching sessions or to book Dr. Loojimps to speak @ your event, please email [email protected] or call 678 548-9664.
Level X Summit 2024 will transform your life. If you're looking to "BREAKOUT" or a "BREAKTHROUGH" in your professional or personal life, register today at www.levelxsummit.com. Invite a family member, friend, or loved one to attend the Level X Summit. We've learned that "Success does not occur in a vacuum, it is interactive!
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